PBPG Election Committee meeting on Wednesday February 27 at 6:00 pm.

The 2019 Elections Committee of the Pacific Beach Planning Committee will hold their meeting on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at the PB Library, 4275 Cass St, 92109 just before the regular monthly meeting.  The regular meeting is at 6:30, the election committee meeting will be at 6:00.


Call to Order

Status of Open Board Seats
There are 11 Residential seats open to fill  (7 are two-year terms and 4 (current open seats) are one-year term) and 5 Commercial seats open to fill (there are currently 3 open commercial seats). Seeking to fill 3 for 2-year terms and 2 for one-year terms.

Rules to Qualify
Candidate Applications and Info are available at the meeting. Candidates must have attended one general meeting since April 2018 and one general or subcommittee meeting, and must reside or have a business in PB, and submit a candidate statement to the Chair of the Elections Committee by Saturday March 2 at 5pm.

Status of Candidate Applications – 3 submissions at this time

Other Business?

Next Meeting: as required in By-laws at 6pm on 2nd Wednesday March 13 at the PB Library address as above

Elections take place: March 16th (3rd Saturday) from 1-4pm at the PB Library Community Room (from 1-2pm at table just outside)
and March 27 4:45pm – 6:30pm prior to regular Board meeting at Library Community Room

Anyone residing within the PB Community Planning area is able to vote.

PB Planning Group Bylaw revision completed

The PBPG has completed the revision process and the new PBPG Bylaws have been approved by the City of San Diego.  The new election process is now in effect.  Following are the key changes to the PBPG Bylaws concerning elections:

  • 25 signatures are no longer required for either the Residential or Commercial seats.
  • Meeting attendance to qualify to run for a seat have increased from the previous 1 meeting to 2 meetings.  Therefore, any person who desires to run for a seat on the PBPG must attend at least 2 PBPG meetings in the previous 12 months.  1 meeting must be a monthly General meeting (typically the 4th Wednesday of the month).  The second meeting can either be a monthly general meeting, or, can be any of the official PBPG subcommittee meetings.  Dates & agendas for the subcommittee meetings are published on the PBPG website.
  • Persons desiring to run for an open seat must contact the Election Subcommittee Chair to obtain an election application and information packet.  Upon completion of the application and verification of attending 2 meetings, the person is eligible for consideration for a seat on the PBPG.  Candidates must also provide a brief biography and include why they are interested in serving on the PBPG board.
  • The annual general election is held in March of each year.  In addition, the board also fills open seats during the year via mid-term elections.  Interested persons can contact the Election Chair for more information.