New business licenses in PB

New Businesses 10.18-2.19 Planning Group Report


This list shows all businesses in PB that got a new business license since October 2018.  The purpose is to show new businesses in PB, but it also shows business that have switched ownership or if they let their license expire for more than one year, they will be on this list.  So it does show businesses that have been around for longer, so this isn’t a definitive list, just something to show what the business license reflects.  FYI, there are ~1,600 businesses in PB!

PB Planning Group Election Committee meeting Wednesday, March 13th 6:00 pm at the PB Library

The Elections SubCommitee of the  Pacific Beach Planning Group will meet at Weds, March 13th at 6pm at the Pacific Beach Library, 4275 Cass St, San Diego 92109

* Call to Order

* Candidate Application Report & Review – Action

* Review and Finalize Ballot for March Election – Action

* Elections Volunteering – Action

Elections will be held:
Saturday, March 16th from 1-4pm and on Wednesday, March 27th from 4:45pm – 6:30pm

All PB residents are eligible to vote and most show ID with PB address.

AND at the next regular monthly meeting of the PB Planning Group will be:
Wednesday, March 27, 2019  at 6:30pm

ALL above meetings take place at the Pacific Beach Library, 4275 Cass St, San Diego 92109