PBPG Elections

PBPG Election committee meeting minutes 1/30/2020

The PBPG election committee meeting held it’s initial meeting on Thursday, January 30, 2020, at the Pacific Beach YMCA, from 5:30-6:30pm.

  • Attending: Steve Pruett, Junior Leoso, Ed Gallagher, Brian Delon = PBPG; Judy Pruett, Luca Leoso
  • 5:30: Call to order, non-agenda public comments – Ed Gallagher is organizing a cleanup for the day after St Patrick = March 18th.
  • 5:40: Reviewed election process and materials
  • 6:00: Discuss election day process
  • 6:20: Open items
  • Next meeting will be the week of February 24th to review all election applications. All applications must be received by February 26th, as per PBPG By-Laws.
  • Any applications received after February 26th will be reviewed if there are any open seats after the March 11 election.
  • 6:30 Adjourn

Please contact Steve Pruett with any questions

330 472-9320


Agenda for Mission Blvd Public Spaces & Active Transportation Plan Ad Hoc Meeting on November 13, 2019

Attached is the Agenda for the Ad Hoc Subcommittee meeting that will evaluate the City’s Mission Boulevard Public Spaces & Active Transportation Plan. The Meeting will be on November 13, 2019, immediately following the Streets & Sidewalks Committee Meeting.

Additional Materials Can Be Found By Clicking Here