Interested in a seat on the PB Planning Group Board?

Pacific Beach Planning Group general election

The Pacific Beach Planning Group is holding their annual general election in March of 2022. There are 12 seats available: 7 residential and 5 Business.
If you are interested in running for a seat on the PB Planning Group:

  • *  You must either be a resident or business owner / operator in Pacific Beach
  • *  You must have attended 2 meetings in the past 12 months (March 2021 – February 2022). One must be a General Meeting, and the second can be either a general meeting or a committee meeting. If you have not attended the required 2 meetings prior to February 28, 2022, you can still apply for a seat. You would then need to attend meetings in March or April, and you candidacy would be reviewed by the board at the next available general meeting.
  • *  Meeting dates and times are posted on the PB Planning Group website:
  • *  You must fill out an application, which is available from Steve Pruett via email:
  • *  And you must submit a short biography = no more than 1 page, with information on your background, interests in PB, and reasons for running.
  • *  Applications must be submitted to Steve Pruett by 5:00pm, February 23, 2022.Voting:
  • *  If there are fewer candidates than open seats, the City of San Diego may designatethat all eligible candies will be automatically elected to the board – to be determined.
  • *  Should a vote be required: All Pacific Beach residents are eligible to vote, and therewill be will be two opportunities to cast your vote:
    • *  Due to the pandemic, the voting process is to be determined by the City, and will bepublicized prior to the voting dates. It will also be posted on the PB Planning Groupwebsite.
    • *  Should in person voting be permitted, voting will take place Saturday March 5 andWednesday March 9th.If in person voting is allowed & required: Voting is by individual ballot, and you may vote

for as many candidates as there are seats available. Example: if there are 15 persons running and 13 seats available = you may vote for up to 13 candidates. Proof of residence or property ownership is required to vote (drivers license or utility bill). Biographies of each candidate will be available for your information. They will also be posted to the PB Planning Group website.

There will be a PB Planning Group meeting immediately following the voting on March 9th. All Planning Group meetings are open to the public and you are welcome to attend the meeting. The results of the election will be announced during the meeting. All meeting are currently being conducted via Zoom, and the meeting agenda and login instructions are posted on the PBPG website:

If you have any questions regarding the election, or would like an application, please contact the Election Chair, Steve Pruett His email is swimski55@gmail.compage1image41429312

To learn more about the Pacific Beach Planning Group please visit the website:

PBPF Development Meeting – Jan 6 2022


Time: 12-1pm

Format: Zoom Link — see URL and logon info in the agenda.

Please click attached link here to get a copy of the proposed Agenda for this week’s meeting.

If you would like to attend, please be early 10-15 minutes and if you would like to give a two minute non-agenda Public Comment on any topic RELEVANT to the Subcommittees area of focus – development issues in Pacific Beach, please let the Chair know. His contact info is listed on the agenda.