PB Planning Group election criteria review meeting

Below is a link to the meeting notes from the PBPG Election Subcommittee meeting regarding election criteria.  The motions contained in the minutes will be reviewed at the September General meeting of the PB Planning Group.

PBPG Election Subcommittee 8.28.18 meeting minutes


The Election Subcommittee will hold a meeting on August 28th, from 5:30 – 7:00 at Tourmaline Properties.  Purpose of the meeting is to review the current PBPG election criteria and discuss if revisions should be made.  The subcommittee will develop recommendations (if any) for the full board to review at the next general meeting (in September).  The public is welcome to attend and participate in the meeting.  Below is a link to the meeting agenda.

PBPG 8.28.18 agenda