Garnet / Mission Bay Dr traffic improvement

The Garnet / Mission Bay Dr traffic improvement ad hoc committee will hold its first meeting on Tuesday, June 1 from 6:00 – 7:30pm via Zoom. The purpose of the committee is to identify potential vehicle traffic improvements in the area surrounding the intersection of Garnet / Balboa and Mission Bay Drive. The committee welcomes input from the community. Please contact Steve Pruett for Zoom login information.

Steve Pruett: 330 472-9320


  • Introductions
  • Non-agenda public comment: 1 minute
  • Define area of focus
  • Discuss impediments to vehicular traffic flow
  • Discuss Trolly Station impact
  • Ideate options for improved vehicle flow, distinguishing between short term / low cost vs longer term / higher cost
  • Discuss City engagement
  • Next Steps

Ad Hoc sub committee: Senate Bills

The Senate Bill committee held its first meeting on Thursday, May 27, at 6:00 pm. In attendance were John Terell, Charlie Nieto, Susan Crowder and Steve Pruett. Senate Bill SB9 was reviewed and, based on the committee members comments, a draft position for the PBPG will be developed by S Pruett for review by the committee.

The Senate Bill Ad Hoc committee will hold its second meeting meet Tuesday, June 1 at 4:30 pm, via Zoom. The committee will continue to review SB9 and SB10 for possible recommendation to the full PB Planning Group. Please contact Steve Pruett for login information.

Steve Pruett: 330 472-9230;


  • Non Agenda public comment
  • SB9 review
  • SB10 review
  • Additional itmes
  • Adjourn

Ad Hoc sub committee: Senate Bills

The PBPG has formed a sub committee to review the pending CA senate bills SB9 and SB10. The sub committee will review the bills and consider recommending a position by the PBPG. The first sub committee meeting will be Thursday, May 27, at 6:00pm, via Zoom. The public is invited to attend and make comments. Please contact Steve Pruett for login in information.

Steve Pruett: 330 472-9320;


  • Introductions
  • Non Agenda public comment
  • SB9: discussion, consider position for PBPG
  • SB10: discussion, consider position for PBPG
  • Additional items
  • Adjourn