Pacific Beach Planning Group general election changes & update

The Pacific Beach Planning Group will be conducting the 2020 general election as per the amended City Policy. The PBPG election committee will be meeting on April 27, at 5:00 via a Zoom meeting to review all applications. Please note the following:

  • Application submission was concluded on March 11 as previously noted.
  • As per the revised council policy, if the number of approved candidates is less than the number of open seats the PBPG may seat the approved candidates at the next appropriate meeting. Should the number of approved candidate exceed the number of open seats the PBPG will need to conduct voting days to select the new board members. If required, the Voting dates will be subject to city / county health guidelines.
  • The PBPG Election Committee will be meeting on Monday, April 27, at 5:00 via Zoom meeting. Purpose is to review all applications and determine candidate eligibility.
  • If you would like to attend the Zoom meeting you must contact Steve Pruett via email and he will grant you access to the election meeting. PLEASE NOTE: any person who has submitted an application for the 2020 election MAY NOT attend the committee meeting.
  • The meeting agenda is attached.
  • If you have any questions regarding the election, please contact the Election Chair, Steve Pruett. His email is
  • To learn more about the Pacific Beach Planning Group please visit the website: